
Man behind the amazing train chase sequence of Amaron’s Mangal-Pandu Clay Animated TV Commercial, Director Virender Singh Rathore, popularly known as Veeru among his peers, is a well known name in the Animation fraternity. Classically trained in Animation Film Making under Russian Masters Alexander Devidove and Vladimir Tarasov of Soyuz Multi Film, Moscow, Virender jumped into animation as early as 1995.

A great lover of Chai, Virender’s talents were acknowledged in the student days itself by the very institute he was studying in, when they chose his design to be their logo, and his other four concepts were selected by then popular Music Channel to be made into Channel IDs.

Known to deliver painstakingly precise work, his quest to innovate, urge to learn and willingness to take risks landed him a variety of interesting projects that people would usually shy away from. He went on to became one of the pioneers in Clay Animation with his very popular first attempt ‘Gaseous Clay’ , which went on to bag 5 Promax Aisa Awards.

Denied admission in a prestigious Art college being from different state, worked in favor of him, for it saved him from learning man made rules in Art, and always was a free spirit and ready to challenge and experiment. He went on to work on India’s first Animatronics model for Bisleri, and made hyper realistic Woodpecker Model with actual chicken feathers, and then Parachute TVC provided him the opportunity to make wooden puppets.

In 14 long years he grew from Senior Animator to Animation/ Creative Director and so did his portfolio, that has the best of clients and Brands such as MTV, Bisleri, Amul, Nestle, Amaron Battery, Videocon, Cadbury, Fido, Parachute, Arena Multimedia, Hit, CFSI, Tata Cancer Hospital, Shaadi No.1, Meridian, NewYork Life, Footcandles etc.

TAG is his sincere attempt to bring the Basics and Fun back into Indian Animation.

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